Get a rid of acne, pigmentation and dark spots and feel confident about your skin - Homemade Face-Mask For Oily Skin !!

Hello My Dear Readers, I come up with the best homemade face-mask for all the girls having oily skin.

All of the girls feel less confident about their skin and feel really shy being in front of anyone. Some of the girls are having face full of pigmentation and dark spots and some are having acne. So I personally tried this face-mask and its really effective like I am also having pigmentation on my skin and after applying this I feel changes in my skin. So let's start with it :

For this Homemade Face-Mask you need these basic 4 ingredients which are usually easily available in your home. 

The Ingredients are:
  • Coffee
  • Gram Flour(Besan)
  • Curd

  • Lemon

What all these ingredients do when applied to your skin?

Before applying any face-mask you all should know in detail about what all these ingredients will going to do when they are applied to your face. Read the following points carefully:

1. Coffee:

Applying coffee to your face will help you to reduce the emergence of sun spots, redness and fine lines. Regularly applying of coffee will help you to reduce the acne problem and it also help you to get a rid of your dark-circles.

2. Curd:

The lactic acid present inside the curd will help for the growth of the new smoother skin. Curd helps to reduce the high pigmentation and scars present on your skin.

3. Gram Flour(Besan):

Gram Flour helps to reduce the tanning and reduces the oiliness in your skin. It also cures the dry skin. It has more benefits with the hair also.

4. Lemon:

Lemon helps in skin lightning and reduce the acne. The lactic acid present inside the lemon help to increase the collagen in your skin. Collagen is basically the element in our skin which reduces with the age and cause fine lines and wrinkles so lactic acid increase the collagen in your skin to prevent fine lines and wrinkles.

How To Make The Face-Mask?

Follow the following steps to make this home-made face-mask for oily skin to prevent acne, pigmentation and dark spots.

Step1- Take two tablespoons of coffee powder in a small bowl.

Step2- Now after adding coffee powder, take 3 tablespoons of curd and mix both well, there should be no lumps present in the batter.

Step3- After mixing them thoroughly add 1 tablespoon of gram flour i.e. besan into your batter and mix it again and again so that your mix should gets free from lumps.

Step4- Finally the last step is to add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and mix it well.

How To Apply It?

Follow the following steps to apply this home-made face-mask:

Step1- Apply this face-mask with the help of the brush or with your hands all over your face.

Step2- Cover each part of your face properly.

Step3- After applying let it dry for 15-20 mins or till it completely dry.

Step4- Then, wash your face with the cold water and dab your face with the towel lightly.

Apply this face-mask at-least 3 times in a week to get best results.You can apply it on your neck too for brightening. Do not apply it daily or regularly as your skin needs time naturally to enhance itself.

I hope you like this blog and will going to try this home-made face-mask and please let me know in the comment section that you are trying and the results too. And i personally tried this.

Most Important Thing - If you have allergy from any of these ingredients , please don't try this.


  1. Looking forward to more such content.
    Thankyou for this remedy.

    1. Thankyouuu so much and i will be really happy posting more like this.


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