DIY Aloe-Vera Ice Cubes - Benefits, How to use !!

Aloe-Vera is the magical plant species. It is originated from Rabian Peninsula, but it grows in tropical, semi-tropical and arid climates around the world.
Aloe-Vera is used for agricultural and medical purposes. It is also called as "WONDER PLANT". It is a short stemmed shrub. The gel is the most used thing from the aloe-vera plant.
Benefits of Aloe-Vera :
There are many benefits from ALOE-VERA. We can use aloe-vera in food, medicine, health and skin
1. Digestive Help : Aloe-Vera helps in treating constipation as it contains aloin which has the property of laxative.
2. Sunburn Relief : The gel inside the Aloe-Vera leaves has the cooling effect which cure sunburn.
3. Wound Healing : Wounds, cuts or burns can be cured from the gel present inside the Aloe-Vera leaves.
4. Lower blood sugar : Studies have claimed that drinking of two spoons of aloe-vera regularly for two weeks will lower down your sugar level.
5. Obesity : Studies have claimed that having specific aloe product twice daily for 8 weeks reduces the body fat and mass.
6. Aloe-Vera fights with aging : Aloe-Vera contains some anti-oxidants through which it improves our skin's natural firmness and keep it hydrated.
How does it work?

The useful part of the Aloe-Vera is the GEL and LATEX.
GEL : The gel is obtained from cells in middle part of the leaves.
LATEX : The latex is obtained from cells just beneath the leaves.
DIY Aloe-Vera Ice Cubes For Skin :
Follow the following steps:
Step 1 : Cut two or three leaves of Aloe-Vera from the Aloe-Vera plant. Clean them and remove all the dust particles from the leaves. As shown in the picture.
Step 2: Now after cleaning all the leaves of the Aloe-Vera, then cut thorns from each of them and make sure that you have removed all of the thorns present in the leaves. As shown in the picture.
Step 3 : Remove the upper layer from the leaves without removing the gel. Cut all of the aloe-vera leaves into small-small pieces. As shown in the picture.
Step 4 : After cutting into the pieces, freeze them for about 5 to 6 hours as shown in the picture and apply them directly to your face same as you apply ice cubes. After applying leave it till it dry and then wash it.
How to apply these ice-cubes?
Apply the aloe-vera ice cubes on the daily basis for atleast 1 week to see the results. Apply them and leave it for 10 to 15 mins or till it dry and then wash it with cold water.
Benefits of using ALOE-VERA ICE CUBES on skin?
The following are the benefits of using aloe-vera on skin:
1. Reduce Acne : By applying aloe-vera ice cubes on the daily basis will reduce the acne.
2. Remove the pigmentation : By using aloe-vera ice cubes on the daily basis will help you to remove the pigmentation on your skin.
3. Fair Skin : Applying these ice-cubes on the daily basis will help you to improve your skin colour as it reduces the tanning.
4. Suitable for oily skin : Aloe-Vera doesn't make your skin gressy, so it is also best suitable for the oily skin.
5. Aloe-Vera act as a moisturiser : Aloe-Vera moisturises the skin without giving gressy effects on the skin because of which it is suitable for the people who are having oily skin.
6. Aloe-Vera helps to reduce pores : By applying aloe-vera it helps you to reduce your open pores.
Recommendation :
1. If Aloe-Vera does not suit you, then I will recommend you to don't apply it on your skin. You can apply normal ice-cubes.
2. Apply these ALOE-VERA ICE CUBES on the daily at-least a week to see the results.
3. Results will be going to show after 1 week or it depends upon your skin.
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