Elephant Killed In Kerala - Offered A Pineapple Filled With Firecrackers To Pregnant Elephant !!

Humanity's true moral test, its fundamental test consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals - MilanKundera .

                                   Kerala Elephant Death: Heartbroken Celebs Mourn Elephant Who Ate ...

Hello My Dear Readers, Today I come up with this real incident which took place on May 27 at Thiruvizhamkunnu forest section in Kottopadam gram. Most of us heard about this incident and I felt really bad and I am expressing my emotions through this blog that I felt about it. 

The Incident:

From the sources, The Female Wild Elephant was first noticed by the locals in Palakkad District on May 23, then the animal went back into the forest before returning on May 25.
                                  आज खोते मानवता को एक गहन चिंतन की ...

The Wild Elephant was feed by a pineapple loaded with firecrackers. When she chomped it from her teeth it exploded in her mouth. Her jaw was broken and she was incapable to eat or drink something. 

The Post-Mortem Report:

The post-mortem showed that the elephant was pregnant and was having incapacitating bruises and injuries inside her mouth. The Elephant died at Valliyar River in Malappuram District. She died because of drowning in the river and of the inhalation of water that led to lung failure. She was the victim of human cruelty. The Government is still finding the root reasons for the death of the wild elephant and trying to get the real pictures of the incident and punishing the real criminals. 

                                  Pregnant Elephant Fed Cracker Stuffed Pineapple in Kerala, Dies in ...

I was upset after seeing all of this happening and the real part of the story is still not in the lights of the people. But humanity is not anywhere present. We all should know the importance of animals and plants.

God has made our lives correlated with animals and plants. We cannot live without plants and animals and still we disrespect them. Now, these days, animal abuse is rising gradually and it is converting harsher now. Humans are so reliant on the animals still they are killing them without acknowledging the harsh effects of killing animals.  

Animal Abuse:

There are two types of animal abuse:
1. Active Abuse
2. Passive Abuse

Active Abuse:

                                               Animal Cruelty - Home
In this, it includes deliberately hurting the animals and it is considered to be a psychological disorder and should be considered a serious issue. It is one of the most severe abuses of animals.

Passive Abuse:

                                     Passive abuse of a dog in the village of Kritsa – CretePost.gr

In this, it includes ignoring or neglecting the condition of the animals. It is considered as passive abuse to the animals as in this humans are not affecting the animals directly but by doing the following things they are abusing the animals:
1. Starvation
2. Inadequate shelter in adverse weather condition
3. Skin infection

Importance Of Animals:

Do you know human beings are dependent on animals in different ways? If no, then I would like to show you some of the facts:

1. Workers:

Animals used as workers

Horses and many other animals are being used to carry things that human beings need for their work and shelter. In early times the transportation services are done by these animals only. We used to go from one place to another with the help of the animals.

2. Companionship:

The Best Therapy Animals - What Are Therapy Animals?

Now, these days most of us are having dogs in our house, some are having cats and some are having horses, rabbits, etc. We trained our dogs to perform lots of activities and for our security too.

3. Resources:

animal protein | Health Topics | NutritionFacts.org

We get lots of nutrition from animals like meat, chicken, fish, eggs, etc. We get lots of protein from them and they are a major source of our diet. We get our clothes made from animal skins and fuel from them.

So now you can see we are getting lots of benefits from animals and they are the major part of our lives and still we are abusing and killing them. 

Guys see that's the life cycle of living beings and we are dependent on each other for food. But killing these animals and abusing them for no reason is not a good practice. So we should respect their existence and should live with them.

I have read the incident from lots of sources, more and more different news are coming regarding this, still not able to find the real story behind it.

                                     Two in custody for causing death of pregnant elephant | KalingaTV

I want you all to give me your feedback that how you felt about the incident happened and what you can take measures to circumvent passive abuses in the comment section below.


  1. Its very sad , what happened to the elephant. She did not deserve it


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